I need help today
Resources and phone lines that can offer support to you quickly

If you feel suicidal or have harmed yourself, you need urgent help now. Call emergency services on 999 or your local crisis team if you have their number or go straight to your local A & E services.
If you feel like you are not at risk of self-harm but still need support, contact NHS 111 in England or Wales or ask your GP for an emergency appointment. You can also talk to the Samaritans on 116 123 for free, confidential support 24/7.
If you want to talk to someone now you can call the Music Minds Matter helpline for free, confidential support 24/7 0808 802 8008. If you work in music our support line can connect you to a counsellor who will listen to what’s on your mind. This isn’t a crisis service so if you feel suicidal or that you may harm yourself, please follow the advice above to get urgent support to help to make you feel better.
Mental health support in music
Headstock: If you work in music and need to talk, text the word ‘MUSIC’ to 85258 to receive free, confidential support 24/7.
Music Support: is a registered charity that helps peers who work in the UK Music industry experiencing substance use, addiction and / or mental health challenges. They offer a helpline 0800 030 6789 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm except for bank holidays) and a range of other support services.
Tonic Music: Provides accessible programmes of mental health support for different communities within music – music industry, music fans, music youth
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine: BAPAM provides specialised health services for those working in the performing arts Specialised Performing Arts Health Services UK | BAPAM
Other free mental health support
NHS 111 Online – The NHS now provides 24/7 mental health support through the 111 phone number. The online service checks symptoms through a simple online form and can advise you on how to get the best treatment and look after yourself.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) helpline – 0800 585858, 5pm to midnight every day and support is also available through live chat and WhatsApp through the CALM website
Mind Support Line – 0300 102 1234, 9am – 6pm Monday-Friday, a safe and confidential place to talk openly about your feelings and help you to find the right steps to take for your mental health
Mind Information Line – 0300 123 3393, 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday free information line on mental health problems; where to get help near you; treatment options; advocacy services